Copyright (C) 2010-2024 ABINIT group (XG)
This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING or .
For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .
Many thanks to the contributors to the ABINIT project between
June 2016 and January 2017. These release notes
are relative to modifications/improvements of ABINITv8.2 with respect to v8.0.

Moreover, most of them are also described in the Computer Physics Communications 2016 ABINIT paper, 

The list of contributors includes :
B. Amadon, G. Antonius, L. Baguet, J.-M. Beuken, J. Bieder, E. Bousquet, F. Bruneval,
W. Chen, M. Giantomassi, Y. Gillet, X. Gonze, G. Petretto, F. Jollet, A. Martin,
V. Planes, Y. Pouillon, T. Rangel, F. Ricci, M. Torrent , M. Verstraete

It is worth to read carefully all the modifications that are mentioned in the present file,
and examine the links to help files or test cases ...
This might take some time ...



Version 8.2, released on February 16, 2017.

Changes with respect to version 8.0 :

B. Most noticeable achievements (for users)
C. Changes in the package, for developers
D. Other changes (or on-going developments, not finalized)



A.0 The 2016 article by the ABINIT group is now mentioned in the acknowledgments :
    "Recent developments in the ABINIT software package. 
    Computer. Phys. Communications 205, 106 (2016)".
    See , as well as
    the notice at the end of ABINIT runs.
A.1 inclvkb 1 has been removed. Now the possible values are either 0 or 2

A.2 The default strategy of so_psp has been changed 
    (see the description of the input variable so_psp).


B.  Most noticeable achievements

B.1 Implementation of the Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (LBFGS) 
    minimization algorithm.  Activate this algorithm using ionmov=22. 
    From the tests that have been run, this algorithm can be much better
    than the native implementation of BFGS in ABINIT when one approaches convergence, 
    perhaps because of better treatment of numerical details. 
    This algorithm might become the default in ABINIT, if the better behaviour is confirmed.
    Test case : v8#02 .
    The working routines were based on the original implementation of J. Nocera 
    available on  They have been reshaped and translated into modern fortran, 
    then interfaced to ABINIT by F. Bruneval (sources in 45_geomoptim/m_lbfgs.F90).

B.2 A new tutorial is available : a lesson on the calculation of the effective interactions U and J 
    using constrained Random Phase Approximation (cRPA) for DFT+DMFT (or DFT+U) calculations.
    See doc/tutorial/lesson_ucalc_crpa.html as well as the automatic tests tutorial/tucrpa#1-5 .
    This lesson was prepared by B. Amadon.

B.3 Implementation of temperature-dependent spectral functions 
    (electronic spectral function, with electron-phonon interactions),
    as well as real part of phonon self-energy (Pi) for gapped systems.
    Also, automatic test for spectral function, v7#89, and improved documentation.
    Work by G. Antonius.

B.4 The RPA one-shot bootstrap fxc kernel has been implemented for GW calculations (gwgamma=-8).
    See Rigamonti et al PRL 114, 146402 (2014) and Berger PRL 115, 137402 (2015).
    The test v67mbpt#36 has been updated.
    Work by W. Chen.

C. Changes for the developers (also compilers)

C.1 The version control system that is used for the development of ABINIT has been changed : 
    the whole ABINIT project
    has been ported from bzr to git.
    Work by J.-M. Beuken, Y. Pouillon, M. Giantomassi, X. Gonze, 
    with discussions with many developers.

C.2 New versions of Fortran compilers have been integrated in the test farm:
    - intel 16.0
    - gnu 6.1 and 6.2
    - IBM xlf compiler 14.1
    - NAG 5.3
    Corresponding examples are available in doc/config/build-examples.
    On the contrary, g95 is not tested anymore.
    Work by J.-M. Beuken

C.3 The v8 directory for tests has been initialized.
    By Matteo Giantomassi.

C.4 Python 3 >= 3.4 is now supported in build system scripts 
    (compatibility with py2_ version >= is maintained).
    By Matteo Giantomassi.

D.  Other changes
(or on-going developments, not yet finalized).

D.1 The main executable "multibinit" has been created.
    Its goal is to perform "second-principles calculations", building model Hamiltonians
    using the data provided by the DDB (or other info from ABINIT).
    Tests v7#120-124 (should be renamed) as well as paral#95-98.
    Work by A. Martin.

D.2 A new "driver" within ABINIT has been defined, specifically dealing with electron-phonon 
    related computations (including zero-point renormalisation). 
    Set optdriver=7 . 
    New input variables : ddb_shiftq, eph_task, eph_transport, prtphdos, prtphsurf.
    See tests v7#88 and 89.
    Work by M. Giantomassi and G. Antonius.

D.3 The generation of k-point meshes with kptrlatt and shiftk is now tested.
    See test v8#03 .
    Work by M. Giantomassi

D.4 As a follow-up of the Achievement B3 in the release notes of ABINITv8.0 (DMFT + TRIQS),
    new input variables have been defined for DMFT : dmft_tolfreq and dmftctqmc_triqs_nleg.
    Automatic tests have been set-up, tests v8#01 and paral#99.
    Work by B. Amadon and V. Planes

D.5 More systematic tests of the IO in parallel (different files) have been set up,
    in the norm-conserving, PAW and PAW + spin-orbit cases.
    See tests mpiio#26, 27 and 28.
    Also, the case paral_kgb=0 is now tested with idle processors. See test paral#62.
    Work by M. Giantomassi

D.6 The load balancing for the repartition of the plane waves among procs is now monitored,
    and a dynamical equilibration is made possible thanks to the new input variable pw_unbal_thresh.
    See test mpiio#26.
    Work by M. Torrent

D.7 The capability to output spin-resolved DOS in case of spin-orbit NC pseudopotential
    calculations has been checked, and a test has been set-up (test v7#17).
    Work by M. Giantomassi

D.8 Files generated by ABINIT, and used by BOLTZTRAP are now tested.
    See v6#11.
    Work by M. Giantomassi

D.9 Unit tests (fftprof) have been set up for the use of the MKL-DFTI routines : 
    unitary#tfftmkl_03 and 04.
    Work by M. Giantomassi

D.10 Ongoing work : Raman intensities, in the PAW case, using DFPT. 
     By L. Baguet and M. Torrent

D.11 prtvcbm working with all parallelizations.
     Tests mpiio 26:28 have been reactivated on 4 processors.
     By M. Torrent

D.12 On going work related to non-collinear DFPT.
     By F. Ricci, S. Prokhorenko, and E. Bousquet

D.13 MBPT : support for the commutator [Vnl r] in the case of NC pseudos 
     with more than one projector per l-channel has been added. 
     Tests in v67mbpt[40] (GW run with psp8 files).
     SOC is not yet available, though.
     The KSS file continues to use the old implementation to maintain backward compatibility 
     hence outkss won't produce the file if multiple-projectors are detected
     inclvkb 1 has been removed. Now the possible values are either 0 or 2
     By M Giantomassi

D.14 For Hirshfeld and Bader : doc and warning.
     For Hirshfeld charges the output was unclear: the density integral (electrons only) 
     was called the hirshfeld charge, as opposed to the net one. 
     For Bader there was no check that the core charge file 
     corresponded to the pseudopotential used. 
     Now checks at least that it integrates to znucl-zion, which is a first step. 
     Important as the default fc files on the web do not have semicore electrons, 
     whereas many of the psp8 will.
     Contribution by M. Verstraete.
D.15 Updated acknowledgments, including the 2016 paper.
     By X. Gonze

D.16 Ongoing work on forces and stresses for hybrid functionals.
     By F. Jollet 

D.17 Ongoing work concerning weights for the Fourier interpolation inside ANADDB.
     By G. Petretto

D.18 Numerous miscellaneous additional bug fixes 
     (to the sources, as well as to the build system, including patches for the fallbacks), 
     and improvements of documentation by :
     G. Antonius, L. Baguet, J. Bieder, F. Bruneval,
     M. Giantomassi, Y. Gillet, G. Petretto, Y. Pouillon,
     M. Verstraete, M. Torrent (in particular, for DFPT+PAW).