Copyright (C) 2005-2024 ABINIT group (XG)
This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING or .
For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors .
This version ABINITv5.0 is really special.
It has the intent of being very similar to v4.6.5 ,
with respect to functionalities, but completely different
concerning the structure and the build mechanism.

Most of the work has been done by Yann Pouillon who deserves
very special thanks...

There has been contributions due to a few testers also
(Pierre-Matthieu Anglade, Thierry Deutsch, Masayoshi Mikami,
 Gian-Marco Rignanese, ...).

All the other modifications done on top of v4.6, during the period
July 2005 - December 2005, will be included later, in version 5.1 .



Version 5.0, released on December 12, 2005.

Changes with respect to version 4.6 :

B. Most noticeable achievements (for users)
C. Changes in the package, for developers
D. Other changes (or on-going developments, not finalized)



A1. See the changes described in C1-C4.


B.  Most noticeable achievements

B1. The outstanding achievements of this version 5.0 are the changes
    described in C1-C4.


C. Changes for the developers

C1. The package has been completely reordered by Yann Pouillon,
    with the appearance of
    five main subdirectories of the top directory : src, lib, tests,
    doc, config .

    "src" now contains all the old "Src_xx" directories, whose names
    have been changed by the suppression of the prefix "Src". Inside
    these subdirectories, the structure is the same as previously

    "lib" now contains all the old "Lib_xx" directories, whose names
    have been changed by the suppression of the prefix "Lib". Inside
    these subdirectories, the structure is the same as previously

    "tests" now contains the old directories Tutorial, and Test_XX .
    Inside these subdirectories there has been some reordering,
    including the creation of "Input" subdirectories, containing
    all the input files.

    "doc" replaces the old "Infos". New subdirectories have been
    created inside "doc", to group the information for the
    users, the one for the maintainers, etc .

    "config" is a brand new directory, that contains most of the
    script and information needed to build ABINIT using the new build

    There are also less important subdirectories, like "util" or
    "extras" in which some previously existing files have been grouped,
    with some new ones.

C2. The new build mechanism, set up by Yann Pouillon, is completely
    different with respect to the one of v4.6. The basic mechanism
    is described in part in the ~abinit/doc/install_notes/install_v5.0.html
    file. The reading of this file is mandatory to understand
    the modifications of the present v5.0 with respect to v4.6 .
    Automake and autoconf are used. For a more elaborate
    understanding of the build mechanism, the interesting person
    should dive inside ~abinit/config ...

C3. There are now Makefile files in each directory. These Makefile
    files have been produced automatically by automake. Most of them
    include only the basic targets defined by automake. The Makefile
    of several directories (~abinit, ~abinit/tests, ~abinit/doc, ~abinit/src)
    also contain additional, more elaborate targets.
    They can be obtained by typing "make help" or also
    "make help_dev" in the corresponding directory.

C4. Not everything is working yet ... For a list of problems,
    see the file ~abinit/KNOWN_PROBLEMS, that corresponds
    to the old ~ABINIT/Infos/known_problems of v4.6 .


D.  Other changes
(or on-going developments, not yet finalized).