============================================================================== Typing `make` in the top directory (~abinit) leads to the compilation of all abinit sources, either standard, or following specific indications of a config file, see ~abinit/doc/build/config-template.ac9 for details. `make` should be prepared with configure or `./config/scripts/makemake` for developers using the git repository. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specific keywords to be used with the ABINIT `make` in the top directory: mj4 same as `make`, but launches 4 processes multi multi_nprocs=XX same as `make`, but launches XX processes test_fast performs the first basic test (similarly, test_X with X=v1,v5,bigdft,etsf_io,libxc, wannier90 will execute the corresponding internal test) tests_in Launch several small tests (3 mandatory ones, for basic capabilities of ABINIT, and 4 optional, to test bigdft, etsf_io, libxc, wannier90, if they are installed) check Run fast tests with runtests.py. clean cleans all the compiled files, executables, outputs, etc (does not remove the files that have been generated by */*/makemake; issue */*/clean-source-tree instead) help prints the present message help_dev (or dev) prints additional keywords for developers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For the (re)compilation of selected main codes, change the directory to src/main and type: $ make `name_of_main` where `name_of_main` is your main code. (NOTE: at present, this works only after a first full compilation) For the (re)compilation of selected libraries, change the directory to a specific subdirectory of src or lib, and type `make`. For additional automatic tests (beyond the 5 basic ones), change the directory to `tests`, and use the `runtests.py` script. Use: `runtests.py --help` to obtain the list of available options. ============================================================================== [This file can be found at doc/help_make/help_make_top.txt]